Executive Wealth Creation & Wealth Preservation Consultant

Meet Wesley Ogude, the lead wealth consultant and Group CEO of Springwells group of companies—a Canadian private equity group with operations in Canada, the US, and Nigeria.

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Executive Wealth Preservation Business Consultant.

With a wealth of experience and a proven track record, Wesley is committed to guiding high-net-worth professionals, executives, and entrepreneurs across North America, Europe, Asia and Africa toward building enduring wealth.

Wesley Ogude is rated one of 100 most influencial black Canadians. 

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A visionary leader of wealth transformation.

Let Wesley Ogude be your beacon to financial prosperity. Explore our services and begin your journey today.

Wealth Creation

Personalized consulting to empower individuals and businesses in building lasting wealth.

Business Consultant

Strategic insights and analysis to guide your business towards sustainable success.

Asset Management

Insightful asset management strategies to enable you manage your multi -million portfolio asset across the globe.

Our approach to Wealth Transformation.

Our approach is meticulously crafted, breaking down the complexities of financial success into clear and actionable sections. Here’s how we navigate the path to lasting wealth:

Strategic Planning for Precision
Our journey starts with precision. We believe in the power of a well-thought-out strategy. Through in-depth analysis and foresighted planning, we outline a roadmap that aligns with your unique financial goals. This section ensures that every step taken is intentional, purposeful, and geared towards the wealth transformation you desire.
Personalized Consulting for Empowerment
One size does not fit all when it comes to wealth transformation. Our personalized consulting sessions are the heartbeat of our strategy. Tailored to your specific needs and aspirations, our coaching sessions provide insights, motivation, and actionable steps to empower you on your financial journey. We don't just give advice; we guide you through implementation for tangible results.
Astute Business Analytics for Informed Decisions
In the dynamic business world, informed decisions are paramount. Our analytical business review sessions bring astuteness to the forefront. We dissect market trends, assess risks, and identify opportunities. Whether you're a high-net-worth professional, executive, or entrepreneur, our strategic business insights pave the way for sound financial decisions and sustainable growth.
Global Consulting for a Broad Perspective
We understand the global landscape, and our consulting services reflect this insight. Operating in Canada, the US, and Nigeria, our global consulting section extends our expertise to high-net-worth individuals and businesses worldwide. We provide a broad perspective, ensuring that our clients thrive in diverse markets, from North America to Europe, Asia and Africa.
Why Choose Us

Why Wesley Ogude Stands Out in Wealth Transformation

Proven Expertise Across Industries:

Wesley's 25-year career spans industries like investment banking, IT consulting, consumer financing, integrated logistics, and commercial real estate. His cross-functional exposure positions him as a comprehensive wealth consultant.

Entrepreneurial Success:

Beyond corporate leadership, Wesley's journey includes founding and growing startup companies in Canada, the US, and Nigeria. His entrepreneurial excellence is reflected in the success of Springwells Group. The consulting arm of the group now consult for the top 10 percent of wealthy professionals in business entrepreneurs across continent.

Strategic Vision and Leadership:

As a former key member of the Senior Executive leadership team of Canada's largest integratated logistics company (Purolators), Wesley led end-to-end strategic planning and Business Decision Support. His portfolio included diverse business units with a combined revenue of over CAD$1 billion.

Academic and Professional Excellence:

Wesley's strong academic background, with two MBAs including an Executive MBA from Queen’s School of Business, coupled with three accounting designations, showcases his technical and leadership competence. Awards for community service excellence in Canada underline his commitment to excellence beyond business.


Join the School of Covenant Wealth Community.

School of covenant wealth is one of the social responsibility initiatives of Springwells Group led by Wesley Ogude. It is a platform for empowering business executives, entrepreneurs, high net-worth professionals Christian leaders globally based on sound biblical wealth creation principles. The initiative empowers Christian leaders to create and preserve multi-generational wealth for their families and to support the gospel.


Client Feedback

Start Your Journey to Transformed Wealth & Preservation Experience.

Ready to transform your financial future? Connect with Wesley Ogude for personalized coaching, business analysis, and wealth consulting services.

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Your Questions Answered by Wesley Ogude.

Wesley Ogude has extensive experience in Investment & commercial banking, IT consulting, Consumer financing, integrated logistics, and commercial real estate.

Wesley Ogude's consulting services provide strategic guidance tailored to high-net-worth professionals and entrepreneurs, covering sales, marketing, operations, IT, finance, and wealth consulting.

Wesley's personalized approach and extensive cross-functional business exposure set him apart. He combines proven strategies with motivational guidance for a unique path to financial success.

Reach out to Wesley Ogude through the contact information provided on this website. Schedule a consultation to discuss your goals and explore how Wesley can guide you on your wealth transformation journey.

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